Monday, January 30, 2006

Melbourne talkback radio - same old same old

Driving to work today, I had my radio tuned in to 3AW to listen to Neil Mitchell's morning talkback show. The funny thing is that I'm not a huge fan of Neil Mitchell, and I find that the main value in listening to his show is that he covers local issues and often highlights some outrageous government incompetence.

I must be a masochist listening to this show, because Neil is one of the biggest nanny-state worshippers there is.

After hearing callers dial in to fully outline what the latest outrage of the day is, then Neil typically starts one of his rambles calling for more government intervention, more regulation and a "let's call up the responsible minister" attitude. Whilst I would bet anything that most people with Neil's attitude mean well and wish "the best", my blood boils over at the fact that they never bloody learn that government always fails !

Whenever there is a bureaucratic bungle or mess in health, transport, education, or a case of outrageous and unjustified government spending, Neil's cure is simply -- more spending and regulation! Why can't some libertarians call this guy up and hit him over the head with a clue-by-four? Does he even know where taxes come from, or is the theft of hard earned savings considered justified by this cretin ?