Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Saddam funded suicide bombers

It was widely known that Saddam used to donate up to $25,000 to families of the Palestinian suicide bombers who slaughtered Israeli civilians riding buses, eating out at restaurants and going shopping. But a recently translated document shows he was directly training suicide bombers to carry out attacks on American targets:

The top secret letter 2205 of the Military Branch of Al Qadisya on 4/3/2001 announced by the top secret letter 246 from the Command of the military sector of Zi Kar on 8/3/2001 announced to us by the top secret letter 154 from the Command of Ali Military Division on 10/3/2001 we ask to provide that Division with the names of those who desire to volunteer for Suicide Mission to liberate Palestine and to strike American Interests and according what is shown below to please review and inform us.
This letter was dated early 2001. It shows what thugs, dictators and tyrants in the world thought of American might just as Clinton had finished his two-term presidency. Looks to me like the previous Iraqi dictatorship was determined to head to war against the west. It was something fairly inevitable. The mess we have to deal with now in Iraq is no walk in the park, but just remember that other scenarios with Saddam still in power were less than ideal.