Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Irony of the day

The palestinians, recently suffering the destruction of dozens of their "metal workshops" (which for the palestinians, is their key industry) have now adapted by firing their shiny new Grad missiles randomly at Israeli towns.

And who did they narrowly miss out on killing ?

A couple of palestinian babies being treated in an Israeli hospital.

The Grad rocket that landed next to the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon on the Sabbath last week narrowly missed killing two premature babies from Gaza who were admitted to the facility.

"When the Hamas shelling of Ashkelon started, the twins, a boy and girl, were still in the neonatal intensive care unit." The hospital spokesman added. "One of the Grad rockets fell a mere 50 meters from the hospital entrance. All the premature babies in the NICU unit, including the two Palestinian babies, were transferred to the hospital's bomb shelter for fear that the hospital itself would receive a direct missile hit."
Seeing as Israel has taken out dozens of "metal workshops", where exactly are these Grad missiles produced ? - Iran

So lets recap:
  • Palestinians operating dozens of "metal workshops" i.e bomb and rocket factories
  • Israel successfully targetting and destroying these terrorist facilities
  • Israeli doctors and hospitals being impartial to the conflict, routinely admit and care for palestinians.
  • Iran meddling in the conflict between 2 parties, and providing ammunition to Hamas
  • Hamas decided to randomly fire missiles at Israeli cities with no regard for where it hits
  • The victims of Hamas' murderous actions are just as often palestinian or Israeli Arabs.
This incident sums up every aspect of the conflict.

hat tip: Israellycool