Friday, December 22, 2006

The Spencer Street Soviet supports jihad

And The Age also supports Melbourne terror suspect, Jihad Jack Thomas (hat tip, Andrew Landeryou):

Following Thomas's release from prison (in August), the (Australian Federal Police) successfully applied to a federal magistrate for an interim control order to be placed on him under the new counter-terrorism legislation. This required that Thomas remain at his home between the hours of midnight and 5am, that he report to Victoria Police three times a week and that certain limitations be placed on his access to telephones and the internet. That's all.

The federal magistrate's ruling became public knowledge during the afternoon of August 28. On Wednesday, August 30, The Age went into action. Age editor-in-chief Andrew Jaspan editorialised against the control order and the letters editor ran five letters (out of five) criticising the decision and/or supporting the Thomas legal team. There was, of course, also a cartoon from The Age's leading in-house leftist Michael Leunig supporting the Thomas cause.

Turn to the opinion page and there was an identical message. The opinion page editor ran three (out of three) articles supporting Jack Thomas. The authors were Brian Walters (the president of Liberty Victoria), academics George Williams and Edwina McDonald (from the University of NSW), and Les Thomas (Jack's brother). That was it. No other opinion was deemed worthy of a hearing. It was a bit like an Age version of the Green Left Weekly.