Vampires, werewolves, zombies and other boogeymen
Climate Audit has produced this graph of hurricane frequency, showing a massive dropoff in 2006. So much for the climate change hysteria last year, where many blamed the devastating hurricane season on man made C02 emissions.
Also, don't forget to trash the Kyoto protocol, which is based on the IPCC hockey stick graph predicting global warming - heres yet another report exposing the fraud that Al Gore wants us to believe in.
And lastly, courtesy of Greenie Watch, a short sample of only *some* of the dishonest tricks and misuse of statistics used by global warming fanatics.
Misrepresentation by ABI of UK Foresight flood assessment
Misrepresentation by UNEP of disaster loss trends
Misrepresentation by former head of IPCC of disaster loss trends
Misrepresentation by New York Times of trends in disaster losses
Misrepresentation by editor of Science of detection and attribution of trends in extreme events
Misrepresentation by editor of Science of attribution of Katrina to greenhouse gas emissions
Misrepresentation of literature of disaster trends and climate in article in Science
Misrepresentation by lead IPCC author responsible for hurricane chapter of attribution of Katrina to greenhouse gas emissions
Misrepresentation of ABI report on future tropical cyclone losses
Misrepresentation by Al Gore of state of hurricane science and attribution of Katrina
Misrepresentation by Time of science of hurricanes and attribution of Katrina
Misrepresentation by IPCC WG II of storm surge impacts research
Misrepresentation by AGU of science of seasonal hurricane forecast skill
Misrepresentation by Environmental Defense of attribution of Katrina to greenhouse gases and prospects for avoiding future hurricanes
Misrepresentation in the Washington Post of the science of disaster trends and future impacts
Misrepresentation in Stern report of trends in disaster losses and projections of future costs
Misrepresentation by UNEP of trends and projections in disaster losses